We are the child reporters from Koraput in the state of Orissa in INDIA. We are hundreds of children who go to the school in our villages . Our region is perhaps the most beautiful place in the world . We have green mountains , waterfilled rivers, vibrant culture and tradition . Our region is inhabitated by a huge numbers of people from various tribal community . Despite of the rich natural and cultural heritage, we have many problems which needs to be addressed. inaccessibility is one of the main problems leading to many other problems like lack of education , health and other facilities in our region . We are living in areas where electricity is a distant dream for many people . A good house with good food and education , is not at reach for many of our friends . But things are changing for a betterone day by day . We are the fortunate ones in our district who could be brought into the beauty of education . More importantly we have also started acknowledging our problems and strengths in the most appropriate manner. Thanks to UNICEF, the district administration and Koraput Farmers' Association who had started the process of making us as Child Reporters since last year . We also have friends in Dhenkanal , another district in Orissa . We all observe our environment, our village , our day to day situations , trees, animals, fellow beings , their problems, solutions , our education , school , festivals , sanitation and hygene and a lot more while passing the day and while doing our work as we were doing before . In the evening We note down our observation in a diary . Then our writings get published in a magazine of our own ANKURODGAM from Koraput and KALIKA from Dhenkanal . We have interviewed many people who had visited our villages . Two girls amongst us had the opporunity to attend the first ever International Children's Conference at Beiging last October . We want to talk and communicate share our thoughts with the children and everyone world over on our observations and learn from theirs . It will be a fun and also provide us a forum to know each other . We could build a new world for us and the future , a better one to live with Harmony.May we begin the journey? Let's Get... Set... Go.