Friday, October 13, 2006

Letter from a concerned friend.

Anonymous said...
Dear Child ReporterI just happened to read your post about the liqour. It is good that sale of liqour is banned in your area, but you must spread awareness about the ill-efects of liqour among people your age, who are likely to take up the habit as young adults. You can do this is several ways. 1]Posters and notices written out by all your friends which could be put up on various walls.2]Put up street plays about the effects of liqour, how peer-pressure (pressure from people your own age) can be resisted.3]examine why young people in your area might be taking to liqour. in some places for example the reason is lack of other recreational activites (activities that are taken up after school etc). in which case you might want to talk to the elders in your locality about setting up youth centres. holding matches (cricket, football, gulli danda) between local teams, dance competitions etc.I am extremely impressed with this project. Best of luck for all your endeavours.
4:17 PM

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